Mar. 15, 2024

Why Saudi Arabia, Turkey skip competition over Gaza war


While Saudi Arabia and Turkey diverge on various regional matters, Palestine remains a focal point in both their political agendas. For years, rivalry for leadership in championing the Palestinian cause has shaped the dynamics of Saudi-Turkish relations. However, Ankara and Riyadh have effectively managed their contest within the framework of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

The Palestinian issue has also played a significant role in determining Turkey's place within the OIC. When Turkey consented to permit the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to establish an office in Ankara in 1979, it bolstered its representation within the OIC—an organization predominantly led by...

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Sinem Cengiz
Sinem Cengiz
Sinem Cengiz
Sinem Cengiz is a researcher at Qatar University's Gulf Studies Center and a non-resident fellow at ... Full Bio